Out of body experiences or astral projections can be facilitated by the simple technology of binaural beats. They are sound waves consisting of two distinct signals that are relayed to the ears through headphones. These two signals, heard simultaneously by the ears, are slightly different and this difference has the brain compensating by generating a 3rd frequency. This 3rd frequency is not random. An astral projection binaural beat would be designed so that the difference between the two signals would be somewhere between 4 and 7 Hz.
Remember, in our last post we explained that the brain naturally generates frequencies in that range when the individual is astral projecting. So by getting the brain to generate these frequencies, inducing conscious astral projection becomes much more easier. The brain is being shown the way by the binaural sounds and we only need to relax and allow the process to unfold.
More information can be gathered here : Astral Projection Binaural Beats