
Easy Astral Projection : Keep it simple!

Whether you are using a specific technique or not, binaural beats can be used to make astral projection easy. Once you've gotten yourself an astral projection binaural recording, you can follow the following procedure to induce an easy astral projection.

1. At a chosen moment of the day, stretch and lie down in a comfortable and quiet room

2. Take a moment to focus on what you are about to do. Simply make it clear in your mind what you want to achieve and minimize distractive thoughts by coming back to your focus.

3. Concentrate on relaxing your physical body for a few minutes. You may want to go over each body part as you do so.

4. Begin listening to the astral projection binaural beats with your headphones. I would suggest to set your player on repeat.

5. Whether you use a few worded affirmations or mental visualizations, gently, slowly and patiently keep your focus on the astral projection.

6. Pay attention to your sensations. Get a sense of your energetic body. What would it be like to move out of your physical body using this energetic body ?

7. Don’t brush aside any fears or hesitations if there are any. Stay with them as long as they are manifest. Listen to them. You will not go anywhere by ignoring them.

As you relax with the whole process, you should soon find yourself out of your body and ready to explore what may be the most exciting dimension of existence!