Instant astral projection may sound like a far-fetched claim but it is indeed possible. Of course, it would usually take some amount of time and practice before someone would be able to induce astral projection instantly and at will but binaural beats can dramatically accelerate this learning process.
We have gone over what binaural beats are and a little bit on how they work so I thought we could now take a brief look at astral projection itself. It is, after all, what we are after. The binaural beats are just an effective and safe means.
If you've never heard of astral projection or if you are unsure about it then, in a very general way, we could say it is a kind of experience where the consciousness of the individual becomes separated from the material body and finds itself able to interact with the physical environment in an altered fashion : it can move through solid matter, it can fly, etc. What is more, the consciousness of the individual is able to interact with phenomena not usually perceivable with the 5 senses of the physical body : disembodied beings, non-physical locations, etc.
The alterity of this kind of experience is such that you come back from it rejuvenated and inspired even in your day to day life. It is very much at odds with the manufactured conventions of our societies. It literally changes your perception of life because it gives you an experiential knowledge which taps into deeper aspects of reality. It can be startling, for sure, but ultimately and very simply, it is a fun experience.
I encourage you explore this dimension of experience with binaural beats as they have proven themselves quite effective for many people. They are the best tool I have found to facilitate this process.